
About this blog

I am May. Welcome to this little space of mine. Two years ago, if somebody told me, that I would soon be blogging to the world, I would not have believed them. Simply because, I had never ever read a blog, more so looked at one. Life has its strange twists and turns in the so called circle of life. Pretty soon, I saw myself giving up a fulfilling teaching career and accompanying my husband along with our son and daughter to Deutschland!! Few months down the line saw myself transformed from the once bubbly chirpy person who so much looked forward to life to a demotivated person who lacked purpose. People say it was culture shock. Whatever it is called, I had to come out of it. I needed to do something for myself to get back to normal. I found the answer in blogging.

    Since I have begun I have no regrets. I have met new people, made new friends who constantly encourage and guide me with their thoughts, good words and comments. I have developed a new found passion in photography too. A lot of people say that I am lucky to have been given the opportunity to travel, see new places, experience different cultures. I try to note everything down, our life, our experiences, the lighter moments, the dull or the happy ones. I try to capture all this with a lot of pictures which you will see in this blog. Few years down the line, when I look back, this blog will not be a collection of memories only for me, but for my family too.


  1. Hey there! Following you now. Your photographs are beautiful. Hope you have found your "normal" again!

  2. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog through the "home cooking with Sonja" blog. Wouldn't you know it- I am an american living in Germany, and my husband is from Partenstein. We live near Mainz, though. We are in Partenstein every month or two visiting his family.

    1. Hi Jessica, am so glad you stopped by!! Partenstein, so we're practically neighbors...:D
      I hope you enjoyed visiting my space..

  3. Nice to know you. I am an Indian too.. :)

  4. I have enjoyed getting to know you a bit better tonight, May! What an adventure and what memories you are keeping here...glad you found blogging!

  5. Hi, I live in Australia and have recently given up my job (sort of retired) and like you I found blogging keeps me connected with people and fills the gap that workmates used to provide.

    1. How true Jan, though I still would love to grab a bite and have lengthy discussions with work mates...:-)

  6. Hi May. I recently found your blog through Communal Global, and so glad I did! What a lovely blog with gorgeous photos. I'm an American living in England and I had the opportunity to visit Germany a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it! I'm excited to follow along and see all the lovely photos you post.

    1. Thank you for for the compliment on my pictures Kris. Yes, Germany is a lovely place to visit. Looking forward to seeing you drop by my space often.

  7. HI May, I came to your blog via "The serial expat diaries". I lived in Germany many years ago (Braunschweig), in fact my kids were born there, also accompanying my husband who was seconded there for almost 6 years. I was quite young and didn't know many people, so I had a hard time getting used to Germany and it's people's quirky ways. I must say even though we did make the best of our time and traveled throughout Europe as well, the weather really got me down! I was born in Africa, so sun and warmth are very important to me. Eventually we went back to South Africa, then Portugal and now we live in sunny Australia. Best of luck with your stay, and hope you make the best of your stay.

    1. Sorry for the late reply Sami. You are right, adjustment to the weather is hard for me too. Like now, its all gloomy and wet. makes you want to weep..:-) Am looking forward to returning to sunny and hot India and yes, making the best of the few months remaining.

  8. Hei there. I just stumbled upon your blog and it is really neat - especially with all the photographs! I think I kind of know the feeling of a culture shock and I hope you got back to your former way of everything. :)


  9. Hi came across your page while searching for Accommodation in Switzerland. we are interested in area around Brienz, Thun lake ,Speiz,

    the photograph you have clicked of Brienz where can I get such accommodation ??

    thank you,



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